Jasmine (left) and I

Monday, June 4, 2007

llagas and a shot in the cola

I have been in my small South American bed for a week now. I can say without a doubt that it was been the most painful week of my life, emotionally and physically. It is hard to be sick millions of miles away from all your loved ones. It's even more hard when you are stuck in bed and the only one to attend to you speaks another language. Only God pulled me through this last week.

I went to the doctor Monday and he gave me medicine that didn't do anything at all. It turns out that it was only homeopathic medicine that had random things like caffeine in it. The health system here is completely different and a little sketchy, as I learned the hard way. Jasmine has an internship following a doctor around and she asked him to take a look at me. I did not go to work Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, and instead stayed in bed in a great deal of endless pain. I was afraid my throat was going to close up and I could eat next to nothing. I just stayed in bed. I literally stayed in bed all day. It was miserable and I wasn't getting any better.

The doctor Jasmine shadows finally came to look at me Thursday night. He looked at my throat for about two seconds and instantly his countenance dropped and he told me to get dressed to go with him to the hospital. That in itself was painful. It got worse. I had to get a penicillin shot in my cola, or butt. The needle was huge and even made Jasmine squirm. It was SOO painful and I am still sore from it. I held Jasmine's hand and she claims I almost broke her hand. He prescribed me amoxicillin and something for fever and I went home.

I was supposed to feel better the next day after the shot, but I didn't feel better at all. I was supposed to go to Colonia Saturday, but I was still miserable and not at all better. I had bought a cell phone randomly on Monday and I think it was the best thing I have done since I have been here. My parents called me every so often to check up on me. After being on strong antibiotics and the shot my family started getting worried about me. I was in such intense pain that it was hard to sleep. I would wake up after a few minutes crying from the pain. My throat looked as awful as ever.

Jasmine left Saturday for Colonia with Ryan and Kendall, and they all had a great time. This left Maria and I alone at her little casa. She gave me water to take my pills and left me alone to attempt to sleep during the day. She gave me soup for lunch sometimes. She actually ate with me during dinner and talked to me about the economic crisis in Montevideo and her kids. It was kind of comic. I tried my best to sit there and pay attention. She even whipped out six photo albums to show pictures from Brazil and Spain. Between feeling horribly sick and not knowing too much Spainsh or wanting to converse in it, I was glad to be having good conversation with Maria. And by conversation I mean sitting there in misery.

If it weren't for my family calling every so often and the occasional texts from Zena I do not think I could have pulled through. I think it made it harder to get better being so far away from my friends and family. I have learned a few things from being so sick abroad. Primarily that I could never survive if I permanently lived far from my loved ones. I physically couldn't take it.

I think I am finally beginning to feel a little better. My throat still looks awful, but I felt safe enough to leave the house to use the internet here at the school. My dad says I had strep pharyngitis, or a very bad case of strep. I came very close to coming home, but I want to see Buenos Aires first. I am about to start planning a trip there for next weekend.

Oh, and if you were wondering about the picture...my dad has been sending me random pictures from my childhood that really make my day. Here is one with me and all the females of the family. Enjoy.

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